Clash Of Clans Support: BARCH

Monday 20 April 2015


1.Before going to raid,is recommended to fill up barracks with barbarians and archers.2 barracks with barbs and 2 barracks with archers or 1-3 or 2-1 and one barrack with mix composition should be enough.Don't be worried about the faster training time for the barbs,you can donate them at clan mates to equal the number of BARCH.

Which base to look for?

This is the kind of base to look for because,there,you will find the most "COLLECTOR BASES". What is a Collector Base?The Collector(or Abandoned) base is that base with full collectors and mines.

A collector base:

Those base are perfect for the BArch farmer,because,they can be stolen with ease.
Also,the bases with exposed storages are good for BARCH,because,they can be easily destroyed.

How to deploy troops

Here is the most important part of the guide.Why?Because,if you don't know how to deploy troops,you will make a ridiculous fail.And now:
1.First,check for the CC troops(some collector bases can have CC seems impossible,but the troops are in CC and are waiting to kill your troops).

2. If they exist,lure them to one corner and destroy them.

3. Spread some barbarians on every side and then quickly spread some archers behind them on every side.

4. Keep deploying until you destroy all of the resources. After that deploy troops to destroy surrounding buildings and get 50% 1-star.

5. Now don't worry about getting the storages as these bases have very less loot in there storages. One star victory will get you enough trophies and loot as well.

6. This army is most widely used as it is cheap, fast training, easy-to-use and successful for looting.

Here is my attack log for your satisfaction and amazement:

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