Clash Of Clans Support: April 2015

Thursday 30 April 2015

th9 gohog attack strategy


This strategy is very successful so far the best th9 attack strategy I have used. Its very simple and easy and works on almost every th9 base and in some cases on some weak non inferno th10 bases too. You'll easily get 3 stars if your hogs are level 5 but it's no big deal because level 4 work fine too. As the name implies it comprises of golems and hogs but many other troops also, but as these two are the most important so it is named after them.


Hogriders:  36-lvl 5/4.
Wizards: 5-lvl 5.
Witch: 1-Any lvl.
Wall Breakers: 2-lvl 4/5
Archers: 4-lvl 5/6 but not necessarily.
CC (30 capacity): 1 Golem-Any lvl.
Spells: 4 heal-lvl 4/5/6.
Heroes: Barbarian king and Archery Queen.


1. This strategy works on every th9 base unless there is a cluster of 2-3 giant bombs which might get you.

2. You start by deploying 3-4 hogs targeting a defense to lure out the cc troops.

3. Lure the cc troops to the side from where the queen is nearest. Draw them out to that side or at least manage to bring them on that side of the base.

 e.g. Consider the king's base as queen's base

4. Then deploy your cc golem in front of where queen is i.e the gray spot.

5. Then quickly deploy all wizards, witch, barbarian king, archery queen and wall breakers.

6. Then deploy all your hogs by spreading them on 2-3 nearby distracted defenses.

7. As soon as the hogriders get to the defenses, drop a healing spell so it covers the as many hogs and clumped defenses as possible. You don't want your healing spell to only heal them for one defensive structure and them have them run out of the circle of healing. You must use your healing spells efficiently and effectively to attain success in this strategy.

8.Use your remaining heal spells as the attack progresses to heal the larger groups of hogs. Note: Be on the lookout for places in the base that could house two giant bombs right next to each other. If there are any, that would be a good spot to use a healing spell, just before the hogs reach that spot.

9. Activate your heroes' abilities when you consider it best to do so.

10. Oh Yes!! Don't forget to celebrate your triumph.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

th6 attack strategies

Assumes that you have 150 housing spaces

Option 1:40% archers and 50% barbarians
Option 2: 1 Healer, 3 Wall Breakers, 40 Archers, 50 Barbarians and 8 Giants.Optional: 2 Healing Spells.

Healing Spell is optional but I strong recommend you to use it whenever you attack find a well-loot village. The second option is better in Clan Wars. I always use the option 1 in normal raiding because it costs not much elixir for training troops.


1.Deploy 1-3 barbarians to set off suspected traps and bombs. Deploy one barbarian for each builder if they are in the corners and deploy 10 archers by the exposed archer tower.

2.Deploy 2 Giants at the blue dot, which is the nearest to the mortar then deplay 1-2 Wall Breakers to destroy the walls. Once the wall has been downed, deploy two more Giants. You can use the Healing Spell now for your Giants.

3.Deploy 10 archers along each blue line. Deploy 10 archers near the Air Defense (black dot) then deploy your Healer once the Air Defense has been destroyed. Deploy 4 more Giants for the remaining red dot Mortar and use Wall Breakers for breaking the walls.

4.Deploy half of your barbarians along each green line.

th9 attack strategies

BAM Attack Strategy

Hogrider Attack Strategy

Gowiwipe Attack Strategy

Balloonian Attack Strategy

Monday 20 April 2015

th8 attack strategies

TH7 Attack Strategies

TH7 War Army Composition

The best army composition at Town Hall 7 for War Battles is to use 10 Dragons. If you want to take on mid-range TH8 players, it is useful to have a Dragon in the Clan Castle and to upgrade your Dragons to level 2. Note: Technically a 25+ Hog Rider army will outperform 10 Dragons, but that is an enormous waste of Dark Elixir. It is much easier to get excess Elixir to pump into Dragons as opposed to getting the 900+ DE required to build a 25+ Hog Rider army.
Since Dragons require a level 9 Barracks, it is in your best interest to level up all of your Barracks to level 9 shortly after hitting Town Hall 7. Just upgrade each Barracks one at a time until all are level 9 so that you do not suffer from low production at any point.
The spells and strategies you use depends on whether or not you are attacking a Town Hall 7 player. Town Hall 7 players are much easier to take down with a 10 Dragon army, as players get a third Air Defense upon hitting TH8. Town Hall 8 players can still be 3-star cleared, but not every TH8 player can be cleared. Evaluating bases, good unit placement, upgrading Dragons, and spell choices will determine your ability to 100% clear TH8 players reliably.

TH7 Dragon Attack Strategy


Dragons: 10    CC: 1 Dragon
Against Town Hall 7 Players
Taking down TH7 players with 10 Dragons is very easy. Players may or may not need spells; you will only need spells if you have level 1 Dragons and the enemy player has maxed out Air Defense towers. If the enemy player has maxed out their Air Defense towers, all you have to do is build 3x LIghtning Spells. Use the three Lightning Spells on one of the Air Defense towers, destroying it (Lightning Spells do need to be level 3 or higher for this purpose).
With only one Air Defense left, you can place your 10 Dragons practically anywhere on the map and get an easy 100% clear. Place them in the same area of the map, but spread them out a little bit in order to reduce the effects of splash damage.
Against Town Hall 8 Players
Town Hall 8 players can be cleared with 3 Stars by TH7 players using Dragons, but certain conditions need to be met for this to be reliable. First off, it helps significantly if the TH7 player has level 2 Dragons. A Dragon in the Clan Castle is very useful as well, but not necessary. The preferred combination of spells is two Rage Spells and one Healing Spell.
In addition to leveling up Dragons, it helps significantly if the TH8 player does not have maxed out Air Defense towers or has poorly positioned Air Defense towers. Level-wise, if the average level of Air Defense tower is less than 4 (Air Defense towers turn black at level 4, so level 4+ are easy to spot), that is a good sign. If all 3 towers are level 4 or higher, that is a bad sign.
If the towers are either on the edge of the base or clustered together, level of the enemy tower may be irrelevant. Clustered towers are susceptible to a Rage Spell + Healing Spell combination, where a few Dragons can rip down multiple towers while being healed. The video guide embedded earlier in this article demonstrates this in action on one such base with clustered Air Defense towers.
First, choose the side of the base you want to attack. it is best to start your attack within range of the most Air Defense towers or near the highest-level tower. Initially, drop two Dragons, about two structures apart on the perimeter of the base where you want to attack. These Dragons likely will not actually participate in the main attack, and instead will travel along the perimeter of the base, picking off external structures. This is intended, as you do not want the bulk of the Dragons to travel along the outside of the base but instead head towards the center. The Barbarian King can aid in this function as well.
As soon as the two initial Dragons take out a few perimeter buildings, drop your remaining 8 Dragons. They should now head towards the center of the base with all the perimeter structures destroyed. Drop a Rage Spell somewhat deep into the center of the enemy’s base; this will speed up the Dragon’s clearing into the enemy’s base and should result in the destruction of at least one Air Defense tower. As the Dragons core towards the Town Hall or a cluster of high health buildings (storages), drop your second Rage Spell. Drop the Healing Spell as needed on low-health Dragons – this will vary on a battle-by-battle basis.
With enough practice, you will find the 10 Dragon army can reliably 100% clear many TH8 bases. Many enemy players neglect leveling up their Air Defense towers while having high level walls and other towers. These bases are great for Dragon-based attacks; you will get a large resource reward and your clan will be happy you cleared a tough opponent with 3 stars.


1.Before going to raid,is recommended to fill up barracks with barbarians and archers.2 barracks with barbs and 2 barracks with archers or 1-3 or 2-1 and one barrack with mix composition should be enough.Don't be worried about the faster training time for the barbs,you can donate them at clan mates to equal the number of BARCH.

Which base to look for?

This is the kind of base to look for because,there,you will find the most "COLLECTOR BASES". What is a Collector Base?The Collector(or Abandoned) base is that base with full collectors and mines.

A collector base:

Those base are perfect for the BArch farmer,because,they can be stolen with ease.
Also,the bases with exposed storages are good for BARCH,because,they can be easily destroyed.

How to deploy troops

Here is the most important part of the guide.Why?Because,if you don't know how to deploy troops,you will make a ridiculous fail.And now:
1.First,check for the CC troops(some collector bases can have CC seems impossible,but the troops are in CC and are waiting to kill your troops).

2. If they exist,lure them to one corner and destroy them.

3. Spread some barbarians on every side and then quickly spread some archers behind them on every side.

4. Keep deploying until you destroy all of the resources. After that deploy troops to destroy surrounding buildings and get 50% 1-star.

5. Now don't worry about getting the storages as these bases have very less loot in there storages. One star victory will get you enough trophies and loot as well.

6. This army is most widely used as it is cheap, fast training, easy-to-use and successful for looting.

Here is my attack log for your satisfaction and amazement:

TH8 Gowipe Attack Strategy



GoWiPe is a super powerful attack strategy with Golems, Wizards and P.E.K.K.A. Because of its power, by using it, getting 2 and 3 stars is not hard. You can do GoWiPe once you are at Town Hall 8. Because this strategy cost a lot of loot, we usually use it for Clan War. If your clan wins the war, you will have profit.

Golem is the troop which has the most health points, Wizard is the highest damage per second ranged troop and P.E.K.K.A is the most highest damage melee troop. Golems will be the tankers, they take damages while your P.E.K.K.As and Wizards are destroying everything.

GoWiPe Troop Composition

Troops: 2 Golems, 12 Wizards (at least level 5), 3 P.E.K.K.As, 6 Wall Breakers (at least level 5) and 5 Archers (at least level 5).

Clan Castle: 6 Wizards and 1 Barbarian for 25 spaces.

Spells: 1 heal and 2 rage.


1. You do not need to lure out the cc troops as the wizards destroy them inside the base.

2. Deploy troops from the side which has the barbarian king and a mortar so that you can get rid of these dangers early.

3. Deploy two golems at a fair distance apart so that they do not target the same wall piece and distract all defenses nearby on that side.

4. Deploy 4-5 wizards to destroy the buildings nearby golems and that side to prevent pekkas from circling the base.

5. Also meanwhile, drop 4 wall breakers in groups of two near both golems to blow up their walls. If any group fails to blow up the walls use another two to try again.

6. As soon as the buildings are cleared, the walls are broken, deploy your pekkas. 2 near 1 golem and 1 near the other. Also deploy the barbarian king near the golem where you deployed a single pekka.

7. Deploy the rest of the wizards.

8.Then quickly drop healing spell and any wall breaker that you have left.

9. Drop the remaining spells as soon as  the troops raid the center of the base.

10. Target out of range buildings with 5 archers to ensure two stars if not three.

Watch these videos for more help

TH8 Hogrider Attack Strategy


What bases to use them on

  • Be aware of bases with lots of spaces between their inner walls and that are overall very spread out.
  • The best bases will be ones that are very compact and have few spaces between walls P.S. remember that the spring traps and giant bombs are a hog riders worst enemy.
  • Also look out for bases with wizard towers that are too compact, a cluster of wiz towers can easily kill half of your hog army.

Army Composition:

  • 2 Dragons (3 if you fill your cc with hogs)
  • 32 Hogs Level 3+ (28 if you fill your cc with hogs)
  • Clan Castle: Dragon or hogs as long as the hogs are level 3-4
  • Spells: 3 heals, no exceptions

The Strategy:

  • Lure the CC: If an enemy CC is deep within his base you should be able to find a spot where a hog can get to a defense that will trigger it, essentially you’re sacrificing one hog. Most likely dragons or wizards will come from the CC so using a dragon on a far edge (away from AD) will trigger the troops, drop your other 2 dragons when the enemy CC troops approach.

  • Drop the hogs: I use 1 or 2 groups of hogs when attacking, but make sure you don’t use like half and hold off. Drop them in mass either all at one entry point or 2. It’s also okay to drop a few to make sure the way is clear of traps.Pro Tip: Save 1-2 hogs for the end, I have run out of time attacking before and it is a nightmare. If you save 1-2 hogs for the end you have the opportunity to take out far off builders huts in the corners of the map or send them directly towards the enemy TH if for some reasons your dragons did not survive.

  • Spells ! Hogs WILL split up, look for mass groups of defenses that your hogs will spend some time near and drop your heals IN FRONT of the hogs. Always be wary of giant bombs, if one goes off near a good sized group of hogs heal them immediately.

  • Clean up: Now it’s time to use your barb king to clear any building away from any troop's reach. If you are running out of time and if you still need to get to a TH and are low on time use the 1-2 hogs you have saved to attack the TH directly. The defenses should all be destroyed at this point so if all goes according to plan (assuming your dragons won’t make the TH in time and getting 100% looks like a long shot) the hogs should have a straight line to the TH.
  • The Victory: Now you can celebrate your tremendous three star victory.



BAM( barbs, archers and minions). This is exactly the same strategy as BARCH this one just includes some minions by reducing some archers (approx 20).

Army Composition

-Archers: 130
-Barbarians: 60
-Minions: 20


1.Search for a base with filled collectors and mines (not necessarily full) and 200,000 above loot. These kind of bases are easy to find and are pretty weak.

2.Then deploy your barbarians equally on every side with resources. Make sure you spread them.
3.Then, quickly deploy your archers behind the barbarians in the same order but deploy more of them.
4.Deploy minions if they are any dark elixir drills or resources behind the walls.
5.Make sure all the collectors and mines have been destroyed otherwise you might miss out large loot.
6.Then deploy left up archers to break weak surrounding buildings to get 50% 1-star
7.You need not loot the storages as they very less loot in these bases.
8.Your storages would fill up in about 1-2 hrs.

TH8 Dragon Attack Strategy


In early stages of your townhall you can only use these this strategy so try to upgrade your dragons to level 3 as soon as possible.

Army composition

Keep 10 dragons and get level six balloons from reinforcements. Make two healing spells and one rage spell.

1. Remember! The basic thing to remember while doing dragon attacks is to deploy the dragons in such a way that they don't move away from air defenses. So deploy then in way as to target the air defenses sooner or later.

For e.g.

2.Now deploy the about 6 or 5 dragons on red areas first.

3. Let them destroy the surrounding buildings. Then quickly deploy rest of dragons in a bunch along yellow area to make sure they travel in a way as marked by green colour arrows.

4. When the dragons' health becomes yellow drop 1 healing spell.

5. Drop the another heal when dragons are destroying the air defense.

6. Then quickly deploy barbarian king in any of the orange spot to clear the way for balloons and also acting as a distractions (enable iron fist after some time if you have unlocked it).\

7. Then deploy the balloons (lvl 6 preferred) on the same side where you deployed he barbarian king.

8. Then quickly drop the rage spell on balloons to speed them up and channel to the air defense circled in purple.

9. After you have done all this......Watch the show!

10. The idea of attacking is same for other kind of bases too but this one is most commonly used and the dragon attackers encounter the most problems with while attacking.

Barch Attack Strategy


Once again this army is the most successful and widely used army for raiding. It was the best strategy for townhall 7 players and is used in a similar way as explained in TH7 attack strategy. Still i am just gonna repeat the steps for your convenience.

Army composition

Archers: 150/75%

Barbarians: 50/25%

  1. Search for a base with filled collecters and mines (not necessarily full) and 200,000 above loot. These kind of bases are easy to find and are pretty weak.
  2. Then deploy your barbarians equally on every side with resources. Make sure you spread them.
  3. Then, quickly deploy your archers behind the barbarians in the same order but deploy more.
  4. Make sure all the collecters and mines have been destroyed otherwise you might miss out large loot.
  5. Then deploy left up archers to break weak surrounding buildings to get 50% 1-star
  6. You need not loot the storages as they very less loot in these bases.
  7. Your storages would fill up in about 1-2 hrs.

th9 balloonian attack strategy


With balloonian army I train, air defense level Is not super important. What you really want to watch for is high level wizard towers (6+) and inferno towers set on multi target. They will make short work of your balloons

Army Composition

- 30 Balloons(level 6)
- 30 Minions(level 3/4)
- 10 Archers
CC: Dragon
- Spell: 1 Heal, 3 Rage(keep 1 Lightning if no dragon in your cc for killing cc troops by reducing one rage)


1. Deploy 2-3 balloons for luring out cc troops then use archers to drag them to the corner.

2. Deploy 4-5 archers in a circle then deploy dragon from cc. If you have no dragon in cc then make lightning by reducing one rage and drag cc troops in a bunch then drop it on them. You might use some minions if they still survive.

3. Search for the side from where the town hall is closest. Deploy balloons by spreading them from left to right and left again.

4. Deploy half of your minions to clear the buildings the buildings behind the balloons.

5. Exception!!: If the base has any air defense or wizard tower in outer layer of walls then deploy a 3-4 balloons near them and send 4-5 minions behind them.

6. As in original case deploy two rages on where the balloons are the most and in such a way that it affects the balloons when they are in first layer.

E.g (ignore town hall level)

7. As in the exceptional case drop rages on larger groups of balloons and drop heal when they near townhall or else where if extremely necessary. 
                                                                                                                                              8.When a bunch of balloons is in the center drop a heal spell and a rage if you have one.

9. When the defenses near the town hall are cleared send in rest of your minions in the center.

10. Deploy the archers (if any left) and heroes on separate sides either to clear surrounding buildings away from balloons or to distract some defenses away from balloons.

11. Victory is confirmed if have killed the cc troops and is most likely to be a 2 star or might even be a 3.

TH9 Gowiwipe Attack Strategy


With GoWiWiPe, you want an open, spread out base so your golems and skeletons have room to breathe.It is comprised of (Go)lems, (Wi)zards, (Wi)tches and (Pe)kka. 

Army Composition

- Golems: 2
- Witches: 4
- Pekkas: 2
- Wallbreakers 8
- Balloons or Hogs(for cc lure): 2-3
- Rest fill out with wiz
- A few barb/arch for cc pull unless you lightning cc (ideal against witches)
- CC: wiz
- Spells: 2 rage, 2 heal


1. Deploy balloons/hogs to lure out cc and drag them to corners using barbs and drop lightning to kill them.
2. Deploy the two golem with fair space between them.
3. Then deploy two or three wallbreakers with both golems to get them in.
4. Then quickly spread some wiz to break outside buildings.
5. Then drop pekkas, witches, wall breakers, barbarian king and a few barbarians.
6. Then drop rage on golems quickly followed by a heal and then another rage.
7. Deploy archery queen and rest archers and barbs to get surrounding buildings.
8. Victory!!

TH9 Hogrider Attack Strategy

Clan War

WARNING!! Take 5 seconds to double check your army before you deploy. Check that your heroes are there, your spells are there, and your cc. You do not need the 30 seconds to scout, since you probably stared at the base forever beforehand. Seriously people, take the 5 seconds and do a ready check. It may seem stupid, but if you get in the habit, it will prevent stupid mistakes from happening.


This strategy used to be the most successful strategy but after one update it got increased damage from giant bombs and became pretty much useless. Only use it if the base is compact without huge spaces inside( for giant bombs mostly).

Army Composition

-Hogs: 40
-Archers: 10
-Barbarians: 10
-Spells: 4 healing spells


1. Lure out the cc using 3-4 hogs. Drag them to the corner and deploy your barbarian king.
apply iron fist to get barbarians and in rage! Deploy some archers too if there are any air troops.

2. Deploy hogs by spreading them on one side.Not too much but about much to target 3 defenses. As shown in the picture along the orange line. This base is perfect for hogs.

3.Keep an eye on hogs and as soon as their health becomes yellow drop a healing spell. Make sure the horde on which you are dropping contains 7-6 hogs otherwise it will be wasted.

4.If they split then do the same for both groups and drop healing spell in a position that hogs enter it and stay in it for maximum time.

5. Then deploy your queen, archers and barbarians to get the surrounding building which are away from hogs.

6.Congratulations on victory!!!



BAM( barbs, archers and minions). This is exactly the same strategy as BARCH this one just includes some minions by reducing some archers (approx 30).

Army Composition

-Archers: 110
-Barbarians: 80
-Minions: 30


1.Search for a base with filled collectors and mines (not necessarily full) and 200,000 above loot. These kind of bases are easy to find and are pretty weak.

2.Then deploy your barbarians equally on every side with resources. Make sure you spread them.
3.Then, quickly deploy your archers behind the barbarians in the same order but deploy more of them.
4.Deploy minions if they are any dark elixir drills or resources behind the walls.
5.Make sure all the collectors and mines have been destroyed otherwise you might miss out large loot.
6.Then deploy left up archers to break weak surrounding buildings to get 50% 1-star
7.You need not loot the storages as they very less loot in these bases.
8.Your storages would fill up in about 1-2 hrs.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Clash of clans ultimate guide


Have been troubled recently in clash of clans?Dont worry! My blog provides detailed guide and support for every problem!

Want to play? Download it here

Sunday 12 April 2015


Feel free to leave a comment about any issue you are facing on any post or contact me by emailing

TH6 Attack Strategy

Assumes that you have 150 housing spaces

Option 1:40% archers and 50% barbarians
Option 2: 1 Healer, 3 Wall Breakers, 40 Archers, 50 Barbarians and 8 Giants.Optional: 2 Healing Spells.

Healing Spell is optional but I strong recommend you to use it whenever you attack find a well-loot village. The second option is better in Clan Wars. I always use the option 1 in normal raiding because it costs not much elixir for training troops.


1.Deploy 1-3 barbarians to set off suspected traps and bombs. Deploy one barbarian for each builder if they are in the corners and deploy 10 archers by the exposed archer tower.

2.Deploy 2 Giants at the blue dot, which is the nearest to the mortar then deplay 1-2 Wall Breakers to destroy the walls. Once the wall has been downed, deploy two more Giants. You can use the Healing Spell now for your Giants.

3.Deploy 10 archers along each blue line. Deploy 10 archers near the Air Defense (black dot) then deploy your Healer once the Air Defense has been destroyed. Deploy 4 more Giants for the remaining red dot Mortar and use Wall Breakers for breaking the walls.

4.Deploy half of your barbarians along each green line.

Hello Clasher!!

I have updated some attack strategies and armies for TH6-TH7, both war and normal search, be sure to check it out.

My layouts page is almost complete and very soon ill be uploading videos of different attack strategies.

Stay tuned for more..
Till then……Happy Clashing!!

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Lets Clash!

Hi, Chief !!

Clash of Clans is a popular iPad/iPhone/iPod/Android game created by "Supercell". It has been available internationally on the iTunes store for free since its initial v1.7 release on 2 August 2012, and on the Google Play Store since 8 October 2013. Clash of Clans is a strategy game where players can construct and expand one's village, unlock successively more powerful warriors and defenses, raid and pillage resources from other villages, create and join Clans and much, much more.

I am currently working on other pages but my layouts pages is almost complete. Do check it out and keep checking for new stuff.

Download it here